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Welcome to Srsly Off Track!

Welcome to Srsly Off Track!

Here is Srsly Off Track’s first official published podcast.  Supposedly the RSS shit is automatic, I’m skeptical.  But it’s time.  We’ve been putting in a half-assed amount of effort for long enough.  It’s time for public scrutiny.

Follow us here, on Facebook Srsly Off Track on Facebook, and I’m sure we’ll have a Twitter,  Instagram and Snapchat soon enough.  Engage the shit out of us.  If you don’t do it, who will?

As this is our inaugural push be sure to like, share, friend, poke and maintain your upload ratio.  Social media, viral video, content, engage and…fuckin’…whatever.

The comment section is open, for better or worse.  I’m hoping for worse.

Come along with us and get Srsly.  Off.  Track.  We might talk about nothing in particular most of the time, but, so do you.  So,  don’t judge.  Come along for the ride.
